Filing Carousels Storage System

December 3, 2019 7:20 pm Published by
Sold By: Randex Ltd


Designed for storage of file folders, the Randex automated vertical filing carousel, is now used for a wide variety of media found in the office environment. In addition all types of small parts from electronic components to optical lenses can also be stored in an ergonomically correct, highly productive manner.


Speed of Operation

At the touch of the button the Carousel presents the records to the user, which means it does no require the user to bend or stretch for them.

Elimination of Fatigue

Manual filing systems can produce operator fatigue in that high proportion of effort is expended in non-productive physical activity, i.e. bending, stretching and walking. The Carousel brings the records to the operator and not vice-versa.

Complete Integrity of System

The Carousel is not only efficient, it is seen to be efficient by all users therefore greater co-operation is experienced in the quick return of borrowed records as users find it less effort to do so.

Greater Staff Satisfaction

Your staff will appreciate the assistance of the Carousel in relieving the fatigue caused by manual equipment. Greater satisfaction creates greater interest, which leads to higher accuracy. This means no lost or mislaid records while the inherent neatness of the Carousel means very fast reference.

Accessibility and Visibility

The complete contents of the carrier are in full view of the operator and the control panel is positioned within easy reach. The whole operation is effortless, which means that the operator can work for hours at a time without fatigue.

Modern Working Environment

The Randex Carousel is the modern method of filing and retrieval, and offers an independently lit comfortable workstation in place of uncomfortable and inconvenient manual filing systems.

Complete Security

A far greater control of records can be achieved as the Carousel can be completely immobilised by its locking facility. This provides effective security at the time when the premises are not manned. A fire protection system is also available as an optional extra if required.

Space Saving

The Carousel will allow you to accommodate all your records within a much smaller area thereby releasing space for staff.

A Smooth Transition to Automation

One Carousel normally takes one day to and a Randex representative will be on hand to offer every assistance during the initial loading and commissioning.


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This post was written by Francisco Ortuno

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