Wrapping Machine – Model AV760

March 14, 2019 8:43 am Published by
Sold By: OMS International Packaging Solution GmbH

SKU: AV760 Categories:


Wrapping Machine – Model AV760

Models AV760 Top of the Line – PERIPLO meet the needs of companies with high production rates.

The system of winding with a rotating arm around the stationary pallet also allows the treatment of very unstable loads extremely light. The variable speed of rotation of the arm and up and down of the reel-holder group allows to adapt the overlapping of the film turns to the needs of winding. Eleven reel carriage incorporates the motorized pre-stretch of the film as standard.

The variable arm rotation and film-carrier traverse speeds allow the amount of film overlap on the pack tobe adjusted to suit the wrapping needs. The film-carrier incorporates a powered pre-stretching film unit.

Optimum film use

The motorized pre-stretch device of the film mounted on the reel holder group elastically stretches the film before depositing it around the load, making the most of the elastic characteristics of the stretch film. This system reduces the pressure on the edges of light or deformable loads and reduces film consumption considerably.

Through a system of sensors it detects the quantity of film required and allows automatic variations of the lengthening of the film adapting it to the rectangular shape of the pallet.

Film cutting and holding system

At the beginning and at the end of the diaphragm winding cycle, it is held by a clamp and at the end of the cycle and mechanically cut by a blade, at the same time a tamponical welding device provides for to the welding of the terminal flap on the pallet, the seal from the film secured by a bonding brush that acts mechanically over the entire height of the film strip.

If the package is particularly uneven, a special rigid a disappearance facilitates welding, alternatively the flap can be fixed by means of hot air blowers.

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This post was written by Francisco Ortuno

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