MAV® autonomous mobile robot

mm By: Neura Robotics
Company Name: Neura Robotics GmbH
Company Founded: 2019
Years of Experience: 5

Specialization per industry
Aerospace Automotive Electronics

MAV® is a Multi-Sensing Autonomous Vehicle which is used for indoor intralogistic tasks. Learn more in the MAV autonomous mobile robot video.  It can autonomously transport items and navigate freely in its environment. It is a robotic assistant which will make the life of people working within production sites easier and therefore streamlines production.

MAV® is an autonomous mobile robot which is designed to collaborate with YOU.

Every second of a standing conveyor belt leads to an overall production stop since the operations are cascaded. With multiple MAV®s, one malfunctioning MAV® can be directly replaced by another one which keeps the production running and due to their autonomous navigation more flexible.