
March 29, 2019 1:37 pm Published by
Sold By: GreyOrange GmbH




Directs Picking, Put-away and Sorting Processes

Picking and replenishment processes account for up to 70 percent of operating costs in a warehouse and remain the top priority for warehouse professionals. Industries increasingly rely on innovative solutions as they continue to reduce pick and fill costs and increase worker efficiency and productivity.

Pick-Put-to-Light (PPTL) system is a proprietary technology of GreyOrange that improves operator’s productivity and enhances efficiency. The directed picking, putaway, and sorting processes help operators minimize errors, speed up the cycle and improve order processing accuracy while improving overall productivity.


– Efficiency: increases the order picking efficiency.

– Accuracy: ensures avoidance of errors while continuously sorting thousands of packets.

– Integration: integrates with most popular or proprietary enterprise systems.

– Flexible: supports custom process flows,as per customer’s business needs.

– Rugged: simple yet robust system that is maintenance free and offers easy troubleshooting.

– Reliable: highly reliable system that ensures minimal downtime of your process. Thus, GreyOrange’s pick-to-put-light system are a perfect fit for your industry.


Click here to learn more!


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This post was written by Francisco Ortuno

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